Book of Remembrance

The Book of Remembrance is secured in a custom-built glass cabinet located in our tranquil Remembrance Room. It is leather bound with leaves of the finest hand made vellum. Once inscribed, entries are automatically uploaded to our website to be viewed at any point.

View existing Entries in our Book of Remembrance

With a page for each day of the year the inscriptions are hand written by artists.

In order that your entry maintains the balance already established in the Book, inscriptions can be submitted with either two, five or eight lines. Five or eight line entries can be further personalised with a motif of your choice.* The first line is always reserved for the name of the deceased and must not have more than 25 characters including spaces. Subsequent lines must not have more than 32 characters including spaces.

Our Books are updated every year so in order that your entry appears for the next year, applications must be received in the office by the following dates:

Entry For Submitted By
January, February & March 1st November
April, May & June 1st February
July, August & September 1st May
October, November & December 1st August

*copyright restrictions may apply.

Miniature Books

These are miniature replicas of the Book of Remembrance on display at the Crematorium.

They are leather bound, containing a picture of Bramcote Crematorium and come in a presentation box. They can contain any inscription of your choice with two, five or eight lines and a motif.

The first line is for the name of the person to be remembered and must not have more than 25 characters including spaces. Subsequent lines must not have more than 32 characters including spaces. Motifs / photographs are available with five or eight lines only.

Book of Remembrance

Product Price
2 line entry £93.00
5 line entry £151.00
5 line entry with motif £235.00
8 Line entry £243.00
8 line entry with motif £326.00

Digital Display 

Product Price
Per page (inc. one FOC swipe card) £68.00
Additional Swipe Cards £8.00

Miniature Book of Remembrance

Product Price
2 line entry £127.00
5 line entry £153.00
5 line entry with motif £236.00
8 line entry £215.00
8 line entry with motif £299.00


You can now complete orders online for our Book of Remembrance and Miniature Books by using our online order form.   ORDER NOW

Alternatively click the link below to download our order form.

All completed forms can be printed off and send to us by post, or by email to

Once the form has been sent please phone 0115 9173849 to make the payment for the memorial.

If you would like the memorial form emailed or to be sent in the post please contact us for the information.

Should you wish to speak to our Memorial team please call and we are happy to make an appointment for you to come to the office to discuss your options.


Return to Memorial Options CLICK HERE


You may pay by cash or cheque payable to Bramcote Crematorium. Alternatively you may pay by Credit or Debit card by telephoning the crematorium. Our office is open Monday to Friday 8:00am till 5:00pm